You're Ready to Blog Now that you have the basics, you are ready to blog. For more information on how to blog with WordPress:
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Basics-A Few Blogging Tips Starting a new blog is difficult and this can put many people off, there are then other people who have blogs with no comments or visits. You want to stand out from this crowd of millions of bloggers, you want to be one of the few hundred thousand blogs that are actually visited. So here are some simple tips to help you on your way to blogging mastery:
1:Post regularly, but don't post if you have nothing worth posting about.
2:Stick with only a few specific genres to talk about.
3:Don't put 'subscribe' and 'vote me' links all over the front page until you have people that like your blog enough to ignore them (they're usually just in the way).
4:Use a clean and simple theme if at all possible.
5:Enjoy, blog for fun, comment on other peoples' blogs (as they normally visit back).
Plugins Plugins are cool bits of programming scripts that add additional functionality to your blog. These are often features which either enhance already available features or add them to your site.
WordPress offers simple and easy ways of adding Plugins to your blog. From the Administraton Panel, there is a Plugin Page. Once you have uploaded a Plugin to your WordPress plugin directory, activate it from the Plugins Management SubPanel, and sit back and watch your Plugin work. Not all Plugins are so easily installed, but WordPress Plugin authors and developers make the process as easy as possible.
Excerpt Excerpts are condensed summaries of your blog posts, with blogging tools being able to handle these in various ways. In WordPress, Excerpts can be specifically written to summarize the post, or generated automatically by using the first few paragraphs of a post or using the post up to a specific point, assigned by you.
Post Slugs If you're using Pretty Permalinks, the Post Slug is the title of your article post within the link. The blogging tool software may simplify or truncate your title into a more appropriate form for using as a link. A title such as "I'll Make A Wish" might be truncated to "ill-make-a-wish". In WordPress, you can change the Post Slug to something else, like "make-a-wish", which sounds better than a wish made when sick.
Blog by email Some blogging tools offer the ability to email your posts ( directly to your blog, all without direct interaction through the blogging tool interface. WordPress offers this cool feature. Using email, you can now send in your post content to a pre-determined email address & voila! Your post is published!
Link Manager The Link Manager is the place where you can manage all your links to other websites, blogs, etc. You can create different categories here in which you can place links pointing to other websites or blogs. These websites or blogs can be those which you regularly visit or which are cool, or with whom you are exchanging links or those who've paid you to place their links on your BLOG. ;)
Pretty Permalinks Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog posts, as well as categories and other lists of weblog postings. A permalink is what another weblogger will use to refer to your article (or section), or how you might send a link to your story in an e-mail message. Because others may link to your individual postings, the URL to that article shouldn't change. Permalinks are intended to be permanent (valid for a long time).
"Pretty" Permalinks is the idea that URLs are frequently visible to the people who click them, and should therefore be crafted in such a way that they make sense, and not be filled with incomprehensible parameters. The best Permalinks are "hackable," meaning a user might modify the link text in their browser to navigate to another section or listing of the weblog. For example, this is how the default Permalink to a story might look in a default WordPress installation:
How is a user to know what "p" represents? Where did the number 423 come from?
In contrast, here is a well-structured, "Pretty" Permalink which could link to the same article, once the installation is configured to modify permalinks:
One can easily guess that the Permalink includes the date of the posting, and the title, just by looking at the URL. One might also guess that hacking the URL to be /archives/2003/05/ would get a list of all the postings from May of 2003. Pretty (cool). For more information on possible Permalink patterns in WordPress, see Using Permalinks.
Comment Spam Comment Spam refers to useless comments (or trackbacks, or pingbacks) to posts on a blog. These are often irrelevant to the context value of the post. They can contain one or more links to other websites or domains. Spammers use Comment Spam as a medium to get higher page rank for their domains in Google, so that they can sell those domains at a higher price sometime in future or to obtain a high ranking in search results for an existing website.
Spammers are relentless; because there can be substantial money involved, they work hard at their "job." They even build automated tools (robots) to rapidly submit their spam to the same or multiple weblogs. Many webloggers, especially beginners, sometimes feel overwhelmed by Comment Spam.
There are solutions, though, to avoiding Comment Spam. WordPress includes many tools for combating Comment Spam. With a little up front effort, Comment Spam can be manageable, and certainly no reason to give up weblogging.
Comment Moderation Comment Moderation is a feature which allows the website owner and author to monitor and control the comments on the different article posts, and can help in tackling comment spam. It lets you moderate comments, & you can delete unwanted comments, approve cool comments and make other decisions about the comments.
Verifying Pingbacks and Trackbacks Comments on blogs are often criticized as lacking authority, since anyone can post anything using any name they like: there's no verification process to ensure that the person is who they claim to be. Trackbacks and Pingbacks both aim to provide some verification to blog commenting.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Pingbacks Pingbacks were designed to solve some of the problems that people saw with trackbacks. The official pingback documentation ( makes pingbacks sound an awful lot like trackbacks:
For example, Yvonne writes an interesting article on her Web log. Kathleen reads Yvonne's article and comments about it, linking back to Yvonne's original post. Using pingback, Kathleen's software can automatically notify Yvonne that her post has been linked to, and Yvonne's software can then include this information on her site. There are three significant differences between pingbacks and trackbacks, though.
Pingbacks and trackbacks use drastically different communication technologies (XML-RPC and HTTP POST, respectively). Pingbacks support auto-discovery where the software automatically finds out the links in a post, and automatically tries to pingback those URLs, while trackbacks must be done manually by entering the trackback URL that the trackback should be sent to. Pingbacks do not send any content. The best way to think about pingbacks is as remote comments:
Person A posts something on his blog. Person B posts on her own blog, linking to Person A's post. This automatically sends a pingback to Person A when both have pingback enabled blogs. Person A's blog receives the pingback, then automatically goes to Person B's post to confirm that the pingback did, in fact, originate there. The pingback is generally displayed on Person A's blog as simply a link to Person B's post. In this way, all editorial control over posts rests exclusively with the individual authors (unlike the trackback excerpt, which can be edited by the trackback recipient). The automatic verification process introduces a level of authenticity, making it harder to fake a pingback.
Some feel that trackbacks are superior because readers of Person A's blog can at least see some of what Person B has to say, and then decide if they want to read more (and therefore click over to Person B's blog). Others feel that pingbacks are superior because they create a verifiable connection between posts.
Trackbacks Trackbacks were originally developed by SixApart (, creators of the MovableType ( blog package. SixApart has a good introduction to trackbacks (
In a nutshell, TrackBack was designed to provide a method of notification between websites: it is a method of person A saying to person B, "This is something you may be interested in." To do that, person A sends a TrackBack ping to person B. A better explanation is this:
Person A writes something on their blog. Person B wants to comment on Person A's blog, but wants her own readers to see what she had to say, and be able to comment on her own blog Person B posts on her own blog and sends a trackback to Person A's blog Person A's blog receives the trackback, and displays it as a comment to the original post. This comment contains a link to Person B's post The idea here is that more people are introduced to the conversation (both Person A's and Person B's readers can follow links to the other's post), and that there is a level of authenticity to the trackback comments because they originated from another weblog. Unfortunately, there is no actual verification performed on the incoming trackback, and indeed they can even be faked.
Most trackbacks send to Person A only a small portion (called an "excerpt") of what Person B had to say. This is meant to act as a "teaser", letting Person A (and his readers) see some of what Person B had to say, and encouraging them all to click over to Person B's site to read the rest (and possibly comment).
Person B's trackback to Person A's blog generally gets posted along with all the comments. This means that Person A can edit the contents of the trackback on his own server, which means that the whole idea of "authenticity" isn't really solved. (Note: Person A can only edit the contents of the trackback on his own site. He cannot edit the post on Person B's site that sent the trackback.)
SixApart has published an official trackback specification (
Managing Comments One of the most exciting features of blogging tools are the comments. This highly interactive feature allows users to comment upon article posts and link to your posts and comment on and recommend them. These are known as trackbacks and pingbacks . We'll also discuss how to moderate and manage comments and how to deal with the annoying trend in "comment spam", when unwanted comments are posted to your blog.
Trackbacks Pingbacks Verifying Pingbacks and Trackbacks Comment Moderation Comment Spam
Syndication A feed is a machine readable (usually XML) content publication that is updated regularly. Many weblogs publish a feed (usually RSS, but also possibly Atom and RDF and so on, as described above). There are tools out there that call themselves "feedreaders". What they do is they keep checking specified blogs to see if they have been updated, and when the blogs are updated, they display the new post, and a link to it, with an excerpt (or the whole contents) of the post. Each feed contains items that are published over time. When checking a feed, the feedreader is actually looking for new items. New items are automatically discovered and downloaded for you to read. Just so you don't have to visit all the blogs you are interested in. All you have to do with these feedreaders is to add the link to the RSS feed of all the blogs you are interested in. The feedreader will then inform you when any of the blogs have new posts in them. Most blogs have these "Syndication" feeds available for the readers to use.
Blogrolls A blogroll is a list, sometimes categorized, of links to webpages the author of a blog finds worthwhile or interesting. The links in a blogroll are usually to other blogs with similar interests. The blogroll is often in a "sidebar" on the page or featured as a dedicated separate web page. BlogRolling ( and are two websites that provide some interesting functions or help related to blogrolls. These sites provide methods for users to maintain these rolls effortlessly and integrate them into weblogs. WordPress has a built-in Link Manager so users do not have to depend on a third party for creating and managing their blogroll.
Feeds A Feed is a function of special software that allows "Feedreaders" to access a site automatically looking for new content and then post updates about that new content to another site. This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites. Some Feeds include RSS (alternately defined as "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication"), Atom or RDF files. Dave Shea, author of the web design weblog Mezzoblue ( has written a comprehensive summary ( of feeds.
Archives A blog is also a good way to keep track of articles on a site. A lot of blogs feature an archive based on dates (like a monthly or yearly archive). The front page of a blog may feature a calendar of dates linked to daily archives. Archives can also be based on categories featuring all the articles related to a specific category.
It does not stop there; you can also archive your posts by author or alphabetically. The possibilities are endless. This ability to organize and present articles in a composed fashion is much of what makes blogging a popular personal publishing tool.
Things Bloggers Need to Know In addition to understanding how your specific blogging software works, such as WordPress, there are some terms and concepts you need to know.
The Difference Between a Blog and CMS? Software that provides a method of managing your website is commonly called a CMS or "Content Management System". Many blogging software programs are considered a specific type of CMS. They provide the features required to create and maintain a blog, and can make publishing on the Internet as simple as writing an article, giving it a title, and organizing it under (one or more) categories. While some CMS programs offer vast and sophisticated features, a basic blogging tool provides an interface where you can work in an easy and, to some degree, intuitive manner while it handles the logistics involved in making your composition presentable and publicly available. In other words, you get to focus on what you want to write, and the blogging tool takes care of the rest of the site management.
WordPress is one such advanced blogging tool and it provides a rich set of features. Through its Administration Panels, you can set options for the behavior and presentation of your weblog. Via these Administration Panels, you can easily compose a blog post, push a button, and be published on the Internet, instantly! WordPress goes to great pains to see that your blog posts look good, the text looks beautiful, and the html code it generates conforms to web standards.
If you're just starting out, read Getting Started with WordPress, which contains information on how to get WordPress set up quickly and effectively, as well as information on performing basic tasks within WordPress, like creating new posts or editing existing ones.
Comments Want an interactive website? Wouldn't it be nice if the readers of a website could leave comments, tips or impressions about the site or a specific article? With blogs, they can! Posting comments is one of the most exciting features of blogs.
Most blogs have a method to allow visitors to leave comments. There are also nifty ways for authors of other blogs to leave comments without even visiting the blog! Called "pingbacks" or "trackbacks", they can inform other bloggers whenever they cite an article from another site in their own articles. All this ensures that online conversations can be maintained painlessly among various site users and websites.
The Blog Content Content is the raison d'ĂȘtre ( for any web site. Retail sites feature a catalog of products. University sites contain information about their campuses, curriculum, and faculty. News sites show the latest news stories. For a personal blog, you might have a bunch of observations, or reviews. Without some sort of updated content, there is little reason to visit a web site more than once.
On a blog, the content consists of articles (also sometimes called "posts" or "entries") that the author(s) writes. Yes, some blogs have multiple authors, each writing his/her own articles. Typically, blog authors compose their articles in a web-based interface, built into the blogging system itself. Some blogging systems also support the ability to use stand-alone "weblog client" software, which allows authors to write articles offline and upload them at a later time.
What is a "blog"? "Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog is a frequently updated, personal website featuring diary-type commentary and links to articles on other Web sites. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.
Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like personal journals, presenting the author's daily life and thoughts.
Generally speaking (although there are exceptions), blogs tend to have a few things in common:
A main content area with articles listed chronologically, newest on top. Often, the articles are organized into categories. An archive of older articles. A way for people to leave comments about the articles. A list of links to other related sites, sometimes called a "blogroll". One or more "feeds" like RSS, Atom or RDF files. Some blogs may have additional features beyond these.
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Hi Rosli, It's Gobala Krishnan from with a rather mind-boggling question: "What if you only had 48 hours to raise a couple of thousand bucks? Would you rob a bank?" Now I know a lot of people ask you to build a "real" business that generates auto-pilot income for a long, long time. That is excellent advice, MOST of the time. But what if you're facing an emergency, and need to make a LOT of dough in the next 48 hours? Say a couple of thousand bucks... ... what if you're desperate for cash ... would you go as far as robbing a bank? Ben Shaffer show you less risky but equally effective methods to make quick profits from thin air in 24 hours: If you're in a tough situation where you need to raise some cash quickly on a zero or a near-zero budget then Ben's Emergency Cash Plans is for you: I got my copy too, it doesn't hurt to know a few "escape routes" for quick cash. I'm not quite cut out for robbing a bank :) Sincerely, Gobala Krishnan The Wordpress Guy ----------------------------------------------- For support and enquiries, please submit a ticket here: For technical help & ideas, visit our community forum: ----------------------------------------------- Liberty Straits Publishing, Mentari Court, Jalan PJS 8/9, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Hi Rosli, It's Gobala Krishnan here from My friend Ernest mentioned about his "Internet Marketers School", which is training site for anyone new to Internet marketing. You may want to check it out: Also, a friendly reminder that my membership site contest is ending in a few days. If you haven't heard about it yet, read the rules and rewards here: That's all for now, have a great day.. Regards, Gobala Krishnan ------------------------------ For support and enquiries, please submit a ticket here: Discover how you can use Wordpress to build highly profitable Adsense blogs here: Liberty Straits Publishing, Mentari Court, Jalan PJS 8/9, Jalan PJS 8/9, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 46150, MALAYSIA
Gobala Krishnan here from with some good news for you... Do you want to win a copy of Easy Members Pro membership site software worth $137? All you need to do is tell us what you plan to do with it if you win. More details here: --> <-- Just leave a comment, and the person with the most solid plan wins. On a side note, here are a few more things you may have missed out last week: [1] Copy And Paste Graphics Get a truck load of web graphics you can use on your site or ebook, for an unbelievably low price: [2] Instant Article Wizard This is the one software I'm glad I invested in. It helps you research content and write articles easily with just a few clicks of the button: [2] Vince Tan Ready Ebooks If you want to create ebooks but don't want to write a single word, try this PLR (Private Label Rights) membership site and get cool new ebooks, articles and content monthly: Hope you've had a good weekend, and if you need to contact me about anything, do it via my helpdesk. Don't reply to this email, it's used for broadcasts only :) Sincerely, Gobala Krishnan The Wordpress Guy ----------------------------------------------- For support and enquiries, please submit a ticket here: For technical help & ideas, visit our community forum: ----------------------------------------------- Liberty Straits Publishing, Mentari Court, Jalan PJS 8/9, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
My friend Aurelius Tjin released his "Copy and Paste Web Graphics" a few days ago, and I'm truly amazed. Here's what you can get in his package: - 390 professionally made buttons - 70 bullets & arrows - 20 seals & badges - 10 "animated" order buttons - And many more graphics that can help beautify your sales pages and increase your conversion rates through the roof! All for under 10 bucks, $9.97 to be exact. Get it here: It's a no brainer, really. Even if you don't need it now, you will definitely find some use for these graphics for your site or blog soon. I strongly recommend you get CopyAndPasteGraphics: On a side note, June is a month for competitions. I'll be having 2 competitions where you can win a membership site, Wordpress themes, and much more. Watch out for my next email! Sincerely, Gobala Krishnan The Wordpress Guy ----------------------------------------------- For support and enquiries, please submit a ticket here: For technical help & ideas, visit our community forum: ----------------------------------------------- Liberty Straits Publishing, Mentari Court, Jalan PJS 8/9, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Are you ignoring some / all of my emails because you just don't have the time? To be honest, I understand perfectly what you're going through. I subscribe to a lot of marketers' ezines as well and I only read them when I have the time, or not at all. When Jonathan Leger sent me an email about his Instant Article Wizard, I completely ignored it. What a mistake.. The software is now in version 2.0, and if you want to create articles easily, even on topics that you know nothing about, watch the video on this page: Instant Article Wizard is a real gem for anyone into creating Adsense blogs or websites. Now you don't have to pay someone else to write articles for you. Just do a search, combine a few sentences, and do some basic editing. You end up with 100% original, keyword-rich, and extremely powerful articles literally by clicking a few buttons. I strongly recommend the Instant Article Wizard: Thank you for not ignoring this email :) Sincerely, Gobala Krishnan The Wordpress Guy ----------------------------------------------- For support and enquiries, please submit a ticket here: For technical help & ideas, visit our community forum: ----------------------------------------------- Liberty Straits Publishing, Mentari Court, Jalan PJS 8/9, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
It's Gobala Krishnan from Jeremy Burns has announced an excellent offer of 10 brand new PLR products that you can own. You can change most of the products completely, including putting in your name, a new cover or even change the name of the software for branding purposes. I strongly recommend you take a look at his offer: Since I wont be around in the weekend, I'm giving you an early warning that the price will increase after March 7, by $100. And a further $100 after March 16. There no reason to pay more. If you want it, then you should get it now at the lowest price. Regards, Gobala Krishnan The Wordpress Guy ----------------------------------------------- For support and enquiries, please submit a ticket here: For technical help & ideas, visit our community forum: If you have a question about Wordpress, just ask me here: ----------------------------------------------- Liberty Straits Publishing, A-16-25 Mentari Court, Jalan PJS 8/9, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.